Being in an auto accident is a stressful and frightening experience. Unfortunately, car accidents can happen at any time, but when they do, many are unprepared and unsure what to do.
The Honolulu Police Department’s Traffic Division suggests if you are ever in an auto accident call the authorities if anyone is injured or if there are considerable damages which have rendered a vehicle inoperable. Stand to the side, preferably 3 to 4 car lengths in front of the vehicle on the opposite side of a guardrail or protective barrier (if possible). This will enable you to be out or range in the event any vehicles passing should collide with your vehicle.
Additionally, if you are in an accident on freeway or busy interstate, write down the other driver’s information such as name, phone number, license plate, insurance carrier and drive to where it will be safe to exchange detailed information. If you have sustained injuries or considerable damage, do not attempt to leave your vehicle, instead, notify authorities and stay in your vehicle until they arrive.